Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lesson learned from Delhi election

Arvind kejriwal party obtaining good result in Delhi election shows that in democracy there is always room for a movement that can usurp the strong hold (monopoly) of established political parties from the power. When 'Bibekshil Nepali" started a movement many ridiculed them for being  just a social media fad. And yes it did rang true in Nepalese context as they lost badly in election. But this doesn't mean that a movement at grass-root level can't blossom which will address the pressing need of common man. This common man  which Richard Nixon famously dubbed as "Silent Majority" comprise of middle class household which is always overlooked by established political parties. And despite this they are always inculcated with an idea, from their parents  and surrounding,  that their affiliation belongs with one particular party  akin to your affiliation with the football team you support.  And it is not only the case of Nepal but also in so called bastion of democracy United states where Blacks and Hispanics always vote Democrat and Whites vote Republican. As a result common man has no choice and ultimately the democracy is defeated.
This sort of behavior  of demographic factor rather than people's choice  influencing vote has caused the formation of, in Mario Vargas Llosa's word, Perfect Dictatorship as in Mexico during last century where a single ruling party keeps on winning the election.

For democracy to thrive there must be a sea change  so that our political system turns into a market place of ideas with perfect competition  rather than a oligopoly where ideas are available in  cartel. And "Aam Aadmi" party winning is certainly a wind of change in right direction.

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