Monday, June 17, 2013

How Human Decide

There are three level of decision making i) Instinct ii) Emotion and iii) Logic
These three qualities came through evolution. In lower life forms instinct can be witnessed. Even sponges and coelenterates have that characteristics.
Emotion meanwhile comes only in higher vertebrates starting from Aves and is entrenched in mammals. Logic however can be seen only in man with exception of dolphins and apes.

So question arise which one is best? Of course the answer is logic. But it is not as powerful as emotion. That’s why politicians play with emotion, we vote with emotion. Words like hope and change jingles in our ears and blind sights us. When reality sinks in logic takes over, but its too late

But this doesn't mean we all become a robot and be slave of logic. But at least we can try not be entrapped by emotion.

And of course there is something that encompass all three and which we though claim, we never have and it is called "compassion". Something only god possesses.

Lets hope we evolve from logical and emotional being to compassionate being someday.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Shadows and Charade

In the candle light
On the wall
Shadow lingers
Playing charade

A guessing game
With little clues
And sleight of hands
Moving parade

Mute shapes
Screams and laughs
Triumphs and struggles
Deafening dread

The world of shadows
Forms and crumbles
Like a bubble
On riverbed

Full of irony
Shadows dances
Till it disappears
As candle fade

In the candle light
On the wall
Shadow lingers
Playing charade